
Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Year, Another Fair... history. Given the economy the fair did okay. Sales were down overall for everyone, not just me. The up side to that is that I have plenty of inventory for the rest of the current show season. :)

What I need to do, however, is come up with some new product. I really haven't done much in the way of really 'new' work for a few years. Given my health situation, I suppose that's not surprising.

But it's becoming clear that I am going to stick around for a while and rather than just concentrate on simple stash reduction, I need to work more on design. If I'm going to keep weaving (which I am) then I need to engage the little grey cells, now that they seem to be more or less working again, and start stretching them with new design work.

Today I pack out, re-tag for the next sale and then head for the highway tomorrow.


  1. Based on the warp currently on my loom, weaving potholders from rags is not a particularly time-efficient structure. :-D

  2. Yes, some things seem like A Good Idea at the time, but....

    half way through inventorying the stuff for Seattle Guild sale....

  3. I think they are going to be lovely but I'm also thinking I might whip up some quicker-to-weave potholders for the exchange. I'm not sure I'll be able to part with these! At least they are quite lovely and fun to look at.

  4. Always nice when something actually turns out. :)

    I'm mulling over ideas for new stuff. There *is* all that 2/20 silk, after all.....

