
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day One

This afternoon the mad flurry of activity starts with setting up the hall. I had intended to take my Blackberry and get a picture of the hall before set up. Unfortunately I forgot, so there won't be any 'before' pictures. :(

However, tomorrow Lynn will bring her camera and will let me use some of her pictures so I will share those here once I get home.

Holly's efforts to contact the media has paid off - there have been articles, ads and info posted on websites. We are really hoping that the word will spread and that new shoppers will be enticed to come and see the selection of wonderful textiles the members of the Seattle guild have created.

The sale begins at 5 pm - 8 pm tonight, runs 10 am until 8 pm Friday, and 10 am until 5 pm Saturday. If you are in the Seattle area, do stop by. Lynn and I will be there Friday morning until around 2 pm Friday, all day Saturday.


  1. Best of luck with you sale; to you and all the fiber folks that are involved. A lot of work getting ready, getting there, setting up and then selling!!!! Weaverly yours.... Barbara

  2. thanks Barbara - yes it *is* a lot of work! There are more than 70 weavers showing in the sale, and the breadth and depth of variety is stunning. :)

    Totally curious how well sales went tonight. :)

  3. I wish I were in Seattle...

    Have fun, meet lots of nice people, and sell lots of stuff!

  4. Thinking good thoughts for you!

    I have a friend who was going to be in Seattle this week... I wonder if she's still there? I could send her by to take photos.... hmmmm

  5. It always amazed me to watch the transformation over the afternoon. Every year it seemed impossible that we would be done in time, but we always were. I hope the sale goes well.
