
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sale Ends!

Another year, another sale. And what a sale! Holly's media plan appeared to work with steady streams of people coming to the hall and not just looking but buying! :D

The greeters at the door asked people to put their names and contact info down for future sales, and also asked how they had heard about it. It was interesting to see just how many people had gotten word through the internet in addition to the post card mail out (previous shoppers) and the newspaper ad.

I'm sure the organizers will have lots of info to review for next year.

Well done everyone!


  1. Thanks for your kind works about the media plan (known here at my house as "how I spent my summer"). I'm soooo relieved that it paid off!

  2. Congratulations to everyone involved on a successful sale. Safe home Laura. Weaverly yours... Barbara

  3. So glad for you. Have a safe trip home.

  4. I hope your success in Seattle bodes well for the upcoming show here in North Carolina! I'm delighted for you and all the weavers/fiber folks in the upper left hand corner of the USA. :-)
