
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Woke this morning to a gentle rain. At least it waited until I got to Betty's! By the time I finished inventorying and loaded everything into the van the rain had stopped and by lunch time the sun was out in all it's glory.

I left for Lynn's around 1:30. The traffic wasn't terrible, and the autumn foliage was ablaze in the sun.

The Pacific Northwest is generally pretty green - except for this time of year when all the shades of red and orange are painted on the trees, shrubs and bushes.

Lynn and I talked and got caught up and watched some baseball (I hemmed towels). And now for bed. Even me. I didn't sleep very well last night and find myself fading fast. Time to curl up with my book for a few minutes and hope tonight is a long catch up. An early morning (sort of) as we want to leave here by 8 am at the latest and traffic might be heavy.

1 comment:

  1. There's a surprise; rain in Seattle! Hope you feel rested for the day ahead.
