
Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Dyeing

Another dye day - looks like two more days ought to pretty much finish up the silk gimp.  Today I did 5 more warps.  Unfortunately after I had soaked the yarn out I counted the warps in the box and there were more than I'd expected so it may take a third day.  Or a really looooong day.

The orange-ish skeins at the top of the rack are really a more rust/red rather than the dark pumpkin they look on my monitor.  I'm thinking of maybe combining them with lavender of the same value.  We'll see.  First I want to finish weaving off all the warps.

I'm thinking that, since these warps are really easy - plain weave, very slow gentle beat, that if I'm feeling well enough to weave these might be just the warps to tackle.

I'm hoping to hear from the oncologist on Monday about when he wants to see me to present the details of all the tests he's been running and hear what he proposes for treatment.  Whether or not I'm going to have to cancel any of my teaching contracts or if we can fit my life into the treatment schedule.  The one contract I cannot cancel is the conference in Quebec.  Since I'm the keynote speaker cancelling that would cause a great deal of hardship for a great number of people.  So whatever happens, I have to be able to travel the first week of June. 

Besides, I've never been to Quebec City before and I really want to go!

Currently reading Thin Air by Rachel Caine


  1. No more loooong days! It's one of the small lifestyle changes that will be the hardest to make. Thanks for the reminder on how to make threading repairs - easier to snip the heddle than the warp!

  2. I think you're right - the long days can wait until I achieve remission. :)


  3. the colors of your dyed skeins are beautiful on my monitor. Do you use all of them or do you have a store? thanks joanlvh

  4. Not a store as such - I attend a couple of fibre festivals as a vendor and the yarn will be offered for sale at those, or used in my own weaving. :) The skeins are $22 each, 4 ounces or about 500 yards each.

  5. Hi Laura,
    i just started following your blog, so I'm new to the way you do things. I'm sure to learn a lot just "following" :o) I'm hanging on to your every word, I know your not surprised at what you can learn by listening and reading..I am also adding you to my list of prayers that your health improves..and that you are able to make that trip and be a blessing to many.. Ginny

  6. Hi Ginny, welcome to the blog. :)
