
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Getting Ready

I've spent a couple of quiet days, resting and working on getting some inventory ready to ship for the show in September.  There is now a box of hand dyed silk gimp yarn ready to go and this bucket of hand spun is on it's way.  I spent much of the afternoon weighing the skeins, counting how many strands in each and will calculate approximate yardage and then write it all out on the hang tags.

I've also got enough shawls (two different designs) ready to pack up as well.  Once those boxes are out the door I need to concentrate on some writing projects - an article promised for a magazine, and of course, Magic files. 

While I'd hoped to have more handspun ready by now there is more on the wheel and I can always mail another box later in the month.  The show goes on for 17 days so not everything needs to be there for opening day.  :)

The last day of steroids is tomorrow and my energy should start to pick up again although all the warnings given about energy flagging appear to be true.  But I'm 5/8's the way through now - only 3 more cycles left and then - look out world, here I come!  :D

Currently reading Dead in the Water by Aline Templeton

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