
Monday, August 1, 2011

Making Plans

Here are the last two prototypes after wet finishing.  The bamboo is noticably softer with better drape - only to be expected given the limp nature of 'rayon'. 

With chemo scheduled again on Wednesday (given my white cell count is up high enough) and energy reserves getting noticably lower plus the pages of the calendar ripping off at what seems to be the speed of light, I realized that instead of just drifting along I needed to pay attention to deadlines.

Today I finished threading the next 2/20 merc. cotton warp and hope to get it sleyed either tonight or tomorrow afternoon after my clinic appointments with the goal of weaving enough to see if I need to order a smaller temple.  (Although I might email a friend to see if she has one I can borrow - I didn't think to ask her when we had lunch today.)

I'm also hoping to get the two prototypes sewn tomorrow so I can pass them along to my friend to field test, but that may not happen.  Will just have to wait and see how the time goes.

Once the prototypes are sewn, I'll be clearing off the work table and setting up the camera.  I really need to get going on the pictures of the Magic samples. 

The handspun skeins need to be labelled and made ready to mail south for the upcoming shows in September and October, not to mention shawls.  I've got a good selection of two styles of shawls ready now.  It feels particularly good getting that mountain of finishing, dry and wet, diminished and product ready for the fall shows.  Not to mention the reduction in stash!  :^)

There are also the text files for Magic to edit.  I'm hoping to start on those once the photography is complete.  My web master will be ready to start dealing with the files in September sometime but I've got a lot of work to do before I can send them to him. 

Those are the jobs that are most 'critical' for the next couple of months.  Now to quite procrastinating and get them done!

Currently reading Where Shadows Dance by C. S. Harris

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