
Monday, September 19, 2011

Fox Fibre Towels

green weft begun with small sample showing developed colour

I have totally lost count of how many brown towels I wove but one cone is now empty.  :)  This afternoon I switched to the green which doesn't look like much on the loom, but once the colour developes should look really nice.

My energy finally came back around Friday and I've been managing to weave without too much difficulty.  On Sunday I even managed to weave four towels instead of the two I'd been doing previously, so that felt really good - for a number of reasons.

On Saturday I attended a seminar on chemotherapy and the presenters emphasized that it is really important to get exercise if you can.  Their recommendation was to walk but if I'm going to exercise, I'll weave, thank you.  :)

Since my mood Sunday was pretty bleak, weaving was exactly the right thing to do.  For me weaving is an aerobic activity and the production of endorphins helps elevate mood.  Plus seeing 4 yards more roll  up on the beam was a great mood elevator all by itself.  Exercise also helps reduce blood pressure and mine has been higher than it should be the last few days.  Not sure if the jabs have been spiking it or if it is just the stress of the chemotherapy itself.  Whatever the reason, I am very anxious to complete the treatments so that my body can find equilibrium.

I am done the jabs for this cycle and tomorrow I hope to get some answers i.e. progress report based on the CT scan I had 10 days ago, whether or not I'll be getting the maintenance protocol (if he's got an answer yet) and if the jabs worked so that I can have #7 on Wed.

I have also gotten some contingency plans in place in case I can't weave on the AVL - placemats on the Fanny and a possible warp for the rigid heddle loom.

If nothing else there are still several buckets of shawls to be fringe twisted or knotted, loads of books thanks to a friend who passed several bags full of paperbacks on to me, jigsaw puzzles and naps.

I sort of feel like a marathon runner - I'm 3/4's the way through and the 'wall' is looming.  But like they said at the seminar, the only way out is through.  In other words:

  Thank you Mr. Churchill.

Currently reading Grey by Jon Armstrong


  1. You can do this, and we're all cheering for you.

  2. Thanks Syne. In a vote of confidence for the future, I've been taking bookings for teaching next year. :)


  3. I have another Churchill quote on my fridge. It says:

    "Never, never, never give up"

    Of course you have to imagine his dramatic presentation and scowl... along with his cigar.

    You have a lot of people quietly wishing you strength and endurance for the road you are walking...


  4. I love the Karsh photo of Churchill scowling. :)

