
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Dancing (with some reservations)

Happy Dancing!

I am doing the Happy Dance - with a little caution, since I do not yet have all the answers I was looking to get today at the clinic.

The oncologist pronouced my response to treatment as 'excellent'.  He is following up with the BC Cancer Agency today to find out if they will allow the maintenance protocol as a continuation of my treatment.

The prospect of remission increases from two years to six with the maintenance protocol.  He is hoping to have a positive answer by the time I go in to the clinic tomorrow.

Send all positive thoughts to the BCCA!  You can bet I'll be thinking hard at them all day today while I do my happy dance.

And enjoy the video clip.  We all need a little happy dancing in our lives.  :)


  1. Woo hoo! Doing a happy dance for you on this coast, too, and inundating BCCA with encouragement to let you follow the protocol.

    Great news! Hoping for more good news to come!

  2. That's great news, Laura! I'll be thinking of you and wishing for the best outcome.

  3. This is encouraging news. Doing an unreserved happy dance, as this is a good Day, my friend! :)

  4. Wonderful news Laura! A great big hug to you and all positive thoughts for those who decide!

  5. Yay! Keeping fingers crossed and sending good thoughts your way so that they'll let you do the maintenance protocol!

  6. \0/ \0/ \0/ I´m so very happy, Laura! here´s my happy dancing for you!

  7. Wonderful news! Lots of happy dancind for you - sending lots of thoughts BCCA direction.

  8. Oh, Laura, I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. Just won't cross my eyes in case I need to drive tomorrow (grin).
    Seriously, I have a friend who was diagnosed fifteen years ago and is still enjoying remission. It can and does happen!

  9. Great news Laura. I'll keep my fingers crossed with positive thoughts for you to get onto the maintenance protocol.
    Thanks for sharing the happy dancing, will use that too to send positive vibes your way.

  10. That's great news! So glad to hear the treatment was successful. Sending positive thoughts for more good news from BCCA.

  11. Whoot! Fireworks exploding, sparkers sparkling, clapping, dancing, shouting! Huzzah! All positive energy directed your way. Laura, you will do this!
