
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunny Sunday

Silk scarves after pressing

Managed to get the pressing done today - 8 silk scarves (whoops, really lost count!), 7 silk gimp shawls, 2 larger shawls and a small rectangle that may become a baby 'blankie'.

This afternoon I met with a lace making friend and we both talked lots and made (a very little) lace.  We're both having some issues with numbness in our hands - different reasons, same affect - so mostly the afternoon was about catching up since our last visit.

Once I got home I ruminated on the next warp some more, decided that the blue really would not fit nicely into the cloth I was seeing in my mind's eye, then realized there was much less of the pale grey than I thought I had and removed that, too.  So the next warp is a mixed blend of the pale and medium sort of beige colours and the sage green.  The warp is mostly the palest beige with the sage green as the least amount.

The weft on these tea towels will be the two darkest of the Fox Fibre colours - 100% green and 100% brown.  The blended colours of the Fox Fibre yarns darkened much more than anticipated so I'm expecting the 100% colours to get even darker yet, relying on the contrast in values to pop the fancy twill up as the design element. 

Since I haven't actually done a sample, I am fully into the 'full sized sample' club on this warp!

But now it's time to go to my friend's across the street for a tutorial on how to give myself the jabs to stimulate white cell growth.  Another milestone on this journey.  :)

Currently reading Wheel of Fate by Kate Sedley


  1. Laura, your silk scarves are gorgeous! They should be a big hit at the fall sales...

  2. Hey Miss Laura,

    It's good to be able to keep up with you (a bit) via your blog. I'm sorry to hear about your numb hands, but glad that you have lace-making friends to chat with and nurse friends to teach you new skills.

    I also confess that I love your "currently reading" one-liners in your posts. I've found some good books that way. I'm currently reading The Sharing Knife by Lois McMaster Bujold.
