
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring?

I think today, March 20, is supposed to be the first day of spring.  Yay?

However, my yarn order arrived today.  I still haven't finished putting the yarn from the trip north away so my studio floor is rather cluttered with bags and boxes of the stuff.  The bags of white yarn are the two types of rayon which I'll use to wind the warps to be painted.  

In behind the bag on the left the bag of 2/16 cottolin is peeking.  I rather suspect that that yarn will go into the AVL next as it will serve several duties (so to speak).  It will become the #5 samples for AGY: Linen and Hemp (remember I did say I'd be extending the linen and hemp with some cotton partly for the sake of adding in some colour, partly because the bast fibres are more expensive than cotton), some fabric for a few summer tops (which I hope to get sewn in time to wear at this summer's conferences I'll be attending) and perhaps for the Seattle Weavers Guild bulletin.  A friend is in charge of gathering samples and gave me a head's up she's looking for volunteers.  

OTOH, my store of energy seems depleted and I can't seem to force myself to do much.  We'll see if the new yarn will light a fire beneath my feet!

Could we have a little sunshine soon, too, puuhlease?

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