Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Painted Warps

I have been anxiously waiting for the arrival of these two painted warps and this afternoon they came.  :)

Now to decide exactly how I will weave them.  The Leclerc Fanny is empty right now so obviously one of these warps will go onto that loom - I want to test the yarns and density along with the wefts to see what sort of quality of cloth results.

One warp was wound with a heavier rayon slub and a smoother yarn about a 2/8 size.  The other is all of the finer weight.  Both look great but I need to decide which combination is best for my purposes.

OTOH, I might just do some of each?

Decisions, decisions!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors! Can't wait to see what you create with them!


Anonymous said...

Oh Laura what fun you are going to have with that absolutely stunning yarn.

Margreet said...

Lovely burst of colour! Looking forward to seeing what you are going to make with them.

Sandra Rude said...

Love that blue/green/purple, especially. But whichever one you choose will be beautiful.