
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Wire

As in coming down to, home stretch in sight.

Just now cut off the #8 warp for AGY: L and H.  In the photo you can see the 'plain weave' (although there is no true plain weave with this threading) cut line and the mark the apron rod has left in the cloth.  The latter will, of course, disappear during wet finishing and the cut line will remain so that I can easily separate the cloth into samples for the publication.

And here is #9 in the queue ready to be wound and dressed.  I'm just stopping for lunch and may visit with my neighbour if she feels up to it.  But this afternoon the intention is to wind the two warp chains and maybe even get the warp beamed.  We'll see if I get any further than that today.

And some good news.

When dealing with chronic dis-ease (that's not a typo, but on purpose because I'm not sick, just dealing with a body that is trying to be as healthy as it can be given my genetics and the current state of my health), one celebrates in terms of how well one is coping with things.

Today my doctor expressed concern about my cholesterol levels but was happy enough to just up the Niacin to 1500 instead of the 1000 I have been taking.  And I managed to ask some questions about bp before he got called away to deal with something 'critical'.  We are both now satisfied with how my bp is behaving so we will continue on as I have been while I continue to monitor it daily (when at home - I don't bother when I'm away).

Bottom line?  I truly am as healthy as I can be given my allergies, CAD, etc., etc., etc.  So I am eagerly looking forward to the trip.  Two weeks from today I will be in Sweden, hopefully in Vaxjo, not stuck in Stockholm, but I am going to investigate alternatives to the rather, um, iffy customer service I have so far received from the small regional airline that flies from Stockholm to Vaxjo.  And pray my flight across the pond and to Arlanda will not be delayed so I don't miss my connecting flight!

That means I have about 12 days to accomplish everything that I'd like to get done before I leave.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

Currently reading Speaking from among the Bones by Alan Bradley (the latest Flavia de Luce)


  1. Hope you have a great, pain-free trip!

  2. great book! love that series :) safe flight!

  3. Of course you can! I hope it's a wonderful trip. I can sure relate to "the body trying to be as healthy as it can given..." since I have just the same feeling about myself. Stay healthy, and if your bp is under control, well, that's the hardest part of the process.

  4. I totally understand "dis-ease" and think so many of us are dealing with that very thing as we get older. You sound like you're doing well....and you certainly produce like crazy! Time is flying by and I can't believe it's just 2 weeks until Sweden.

  5. Good news on the health front. Stability - ahhhhh.
