
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Back Into the Groove

It took me longer than I'd hoped to get moving today, but did manage to cut a swathe through the paperwork.  Suddenly realized that I had not paid my VISA bill, so quickly downloaded the invoice just now and will head back to the bank again tomorrow.  Late, but oh well.  Actually I'm almost so very late I might as well wait a few days and just pay it on the next invoice.  Hmm....

Before I left I had wound a couple of warps.  One was a red warp for towels, the other a place mat warp.  Decided I would run with the mat warp and hopefully use up one of the cones of yarn from Lynn's stash and maybe even start on the next, all on one warp.  And it gives me a quick leap onto the loom.

It seems like ages since I had any loom time.  While I did help people with their looms, I really haven't done what I would call weaving for the last three weeks.  It will feel very good to get back to it.

Tomorrow I will go through the outline for the Next Big Project and firmly decide on the samples needed for that.  Actually the NBP is a two parter, one of which will require a lot of samples woven before anything happens, the other only requires the planning of three warps.  I'm hoping to lump a couple other projects into the queue by double dipping (so to speak) and weaving for more than one project at a time.  ;)

I have about 5 weeks before the Beginning Weaving class here, about 6 weeks before Fibres West.  My plan is to have as many of the NBP samples done before those happen.  But I'd also like to stay on top of using up my stash, so it may require some juggling.  Not to mention getting the warp yarns and handouts ready for the Looking at Lace workshop in Tacoma mid-April.  Those will have to be mailed in the next week or two, as well.

Bottom line is, if I don't get down to the studio, nothing is going to happen.  Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go....

Currently reading Bad Blood by Aline Templeton

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