
Monday, February 3, 2014

Home Again

Managed to roll in the door mid-afternoon after a lovely drive home.  Although it is much colder here, it was dry and the sun even shone most of the day.  I really don't mind the cold when the sun is shining brilliantly on the hills and valleys.

The first order of business was to go through the stack of snail mail, sort out the bills for payment and even, much to my surprise, open a couple of small consignment cheques.  One always hopes for one but never counts on them.

Left some stock with The Smoky Mountain Spinnery in Gatlinburg, TN and rumour has it the red Swedish Snowflake table runner has already sold.  Since I have more red yarn, perhaps more runners are in order?  :)

Still have to unpack my bags.  Since they won't unpack themselves, guess that now I've had a restorative cup of tea I'd better go deal with that.  There will be a mountain of laundry to do, I managed to hem nearly all the towels we brought so those will need pressing, plus there are a few more emails to do yet, too.  Not to mention two nekkid looms and 9 more boxes of yarn plus the yarn order from Maurice Brassard needing to be put away.

Welcome home....


  1. Welcome back. Glad you made it home safely. Don't worry, the laundry won't mind if you let it slide a few days! Dressing looms is surely higher on the priority list...

  2. Actually laundry is Doug's job. But I still have to unpack and get it sorted. ;)


  3. Welcome home! I'll do your laundry - I love laundry. But not ironing. And no windows. :-)
