
Monday, September 29, 2014

Same Old, Same Old

Well, here I am, still working on this Blooming Leaf tea towel warp.

Just when I was starting to recover from the latest health 'crisis', I caught a cold.  Between starting slowly, and then having zero energy today, weaving has been progressing - but at a snail's pace.

However, I think I'm down to the last 5 yards of this 20 yard warp.  And it looks like I will come very close to finishing off another cone of fine singles linen.

I'm hoping that this cold will start easing tomorrow and that I will feel more up to weaving than I did today.

Not that I haven't been productive.  I accepted a transcribing job and in spite of feeling punky have been making my way through the interviews for Tien Chiu, who is writing a book on the creative process.

Lucky me - I get to hear all those interviews!  And I will certainly let people know when the book is ready because I have a feeling a lot of people might find what all the talented people Tien is interviewing will have to say.

Just finished Nesting Dolls by Gail Bowen and started The Highway by C. J. Box


  1. Sending you orange juice, chicken soup, & echinacea - virtually, of course.

  2. About health issues and weaving, I'm what I call an advanced beginning weave and have been a beneficiary of your generous online teaching. I've been learning to weave for the past five years but it became much more this past year as I struggled back from a broken neck. I have had low level neck pain which I found I could navigate with weaving and new discoveries/challenges in weaving. I count my blessings that my only residual damage is pain, not neurological damage. I sure do appreciate you.
