
Saturday, October 4, 2014


So, here is the next warp.  It's not perfect.  You might just be able to make out the mistake I made when generating the threading for this.  Seems my pain fogged brain wasn't really up to the task.

As I threaded yesterday, I came across a discrepancy - a doubled block.  When I checked back at what I had already threaded, I found the same error in the same position of the repeat.  And decided that since it was repeated it was symmetrical, since very few people would even notice it and it certainly did nothing to affect the functionality of the cloth, I wasn't going to take the time to fix it.

Instead I have a unique interpretation of the Honeysuckle overshot, transformed to twill blocks.

My focus as a weaver has always been to make functional textiles.  I try to make them as attractive as possible.  But I'm not perfect.  I make mistakes.  I have bad days and make bad decisions.

But I also know that this is a tea towel, the error is minor and, as I say, most people won't even see it.  So I am not going to allow my Inner Critic to ruin the fact that the tea towels are pretty (*I* think) and they will perform perfectly fine.  I will not let my Inner Critic diminish the enjoyment I'm having from finally being able to weave again.

None of us are perfect.  But we can still be of service.

Currently reading the Witch With No Name by Kim Harrison


  1. Happy Accidents are, by definition, happy! :) I'd like to buy a towel or 4 for Christmas please, Laura. I'm shamelessly going for Christmassy colours; like greens, reds, blues and golds, so if you want to save me one of these ones and pick three more out for me I'll send you payment. Cheers, Liz Miller

  2. Hi Laura - I am pleased to hear that you are not listening to your "Inner Critic". Your threading makes the towels "extra special" in my mind.
    I did not struggle to try and mind your "happy accident" as Liz called this ....... why did I not struggle to look for this - because the towel pattern is beautiful. Enjoy the day and congratulations on turning off your "Inner Critic". Weaverly yours ...... Barbara

  3. A wise teacher once said, "If you can't be perfect, at least be consistent." An unintended change to the pattern can be considered a "design element." I think they're pretty! Even if they're not what you planned, they have their own beauty. Weave on! And when people tell you how pretty they are, remember to just say "Thank you!"

  4. Beautifully perfect if you ask me. Hope you are on the mend and feeling better.
