
Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My AVL is an 'antique'.  Yes, that's right, it's number 00181.  It was probably the first loom shipped with a fly shuttle and the auto-cloth advance arrived about six months later.

This was in, oh, 1982.  So the loom is 'antique' at 32 years old.  That's 32 years of production weaving, with literally miles and miles and miles of cloth over the beams.

As the weaver using it has aged, so has the loom.  Bits and pieces of it are wearing out.  And so it happened today that when I changed the pick wheel from 26 to 28, all of a sudden the auto-cloth advance would not work any longer.

Doug came into the studio as I was tearing it apart and helped diagnose the problem.  It's hard to see but there is a lever on the underneath of the pick wheel (that thing with the teeth) that prevents the wheel from slipping when the long rod pushes against the top pawl (I think that's the correct word.)

Unfortunately the hole that the bottom lever sits in is worn.  Badly.  So badly the lever would not align properly and was preventing the mechanism from working to advance the cloth.

Doug was able to jury-rig a fix which I hope will see me through the last 5 yards of warp on the loom and then he will do a better fix which will hopefully allow the loom to continue to work as it is supposed to do.

While he is doing that I will hop on over to the Leclerc and finally deal with those painted warps for scarves.  Hopefully it won't take long to re-drill the hole and insert a bushing, but I'm not sure he can do it himself or if he'll have to find a metal worker/machinist.

I'm hoping that he can get it fixed so that it lasts the rest of my weaving life.  I rather suspect that when I'm done weaving, this loom will be, too.


  1. You're so fortunate to have an in-home mechanic/fixer/lifter/presser/helper. I know you know that.

    Some days I get a little jealous. Trust me when I tell you I would have been able to fix the problem, even if I could diagnose it.

    I'm sorry that you think that 32 years is old for this loom - it must be the fact that it has all those 'fancy gadgets', 'cuz we both know for many looms they're just teenagers at 32.

  2. It isn't just the years, but the miles of cloth that have been woven on it. Most looms have not produced a % of what I've done on this loom. In 'normal' years, this loom is probably closer to 100 when you add up the work it has done. :^)
    who does know how lucky she is to have in-house help :)

  3. Now now, surely looms and their weavers do not wear out...they just get a little warped.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. I love your blog and learn so much from it. I got married in 1982 - it was a good year for many things and so I'm sure your Doug will find a solution.

  4. Indeed. You do have to be warped to weave! :D

  5. Laura if Doug can't get the arm redrilled w the bushing I have the same assembly that came with my PDL. At this point I don't think I can get the beam cut down and AVL wants big $$$ for a new sandpaper beam. In the end it might not work for me. If you want it I'd be happy to send it to you for the postage. My PDL is about 1984 or less and predates the PA. I think the weaver who bought it thought she could use it, basically brand new, bracket, chain, wheels, picker but I am not sure about the rod from the beater to the pawl. Have to look. My FDL has the same PA and it only works partially due to the elastic cord tensioning.

  6. Hi Margaret,
    Sent you an email, but not sure I have your correct addy.
