
Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Day

Leclerc loom with 11 meter long warp, about 9 of them woven

AVL, still waiting to be threaded

Meg  from NZ suggested a Day in the Life of our looms, so here's mine as of 11 am January 1, 2015

The small loom is now empty, waiting for the next warp.  The mats are about half way through being cut apart and serged.

The parts for the AVL are en route so I need to get that warp threaded soon so that as soon as they get installed I can fly at weaving off this warp.

I am seriously hoping that the phone will ring next week to set the surgical date and once that happens it will be full speed ahead making arrangements.  

Until they call, I will be jumping every time the phone rings, so send lots of good vibes that they do call soon...


  1. Laura, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the phone will ring sooner than later. Thinking of you, take care.

  2. I hope you hear REALLY soon, too. Hope it's OK I've added you to my list, too.
