Monday, January 19, 2015

Another Kind of Loom, Another Kind of Weaving

Well, I'm not sure I'll have the mental wherewithal to actually work on this any time soon but here it is.

I'm using a design from one of the books by Eeva-Liisa Kortelahti, a Finnish bobbin lace artist.  While I have done very very simple designs of my own, I can't come close to the artistry of Kortelahti.  I simply haven't done lace frequently enough to even think about trying to design something.  Not to mention my eyes aren't great and I'm having more and more difficulty seeing 'fine' threads.  So I enlarged this design and instead of using 50's thread (sewing thread) I'm using 2/20 mercerized cotton.  And still finding it hard to see.

However, I think I've got the kinks worked out - at least enough to be going on with.  Doug helped me set up a small table with a light and an old office chair, which appears to be just about the exact right height.

I've started piling clothes and personal items on the bed, including all of my pills (how did I ever come to need so many?) and a stack of books.  A friend dropped off a little gift bag with things like eye glass 'wipes', a book light, and various other small items that I'm sure will be much appreciated for the hospital stay.

Once the mail comes, hopefully bringing the rest of the bills for the month I will head to town for errands.  Then I suppose all that's left is to finalize the packing and wait for one more sleep.


Anonymous said...

Bless you, Laura and your indomitable spirit! I 'get" what you're going thru. I did very much the same thing for my past two surgeries. I cooked up a lot of single-serving meals for the freezer-to-microwave, selected some nice knitting yarns and patterns, put some new books on my Kindle, etc. It really helps to have such a positive "this is an opportunity" outlook to things. The last two surgeries have seen me learning to KNIT lace. Guess learning cables is for the next time I am "resting" from something. I really want to get into the bobbin techniques, tho. I'm always so jealous of your mastery of that! Fingers crossed and prayers for you!

FiberJunky said...

Be sure to pack lots of moisturize, lotion, and chapstick. Hospital air is really dry, as is the antibacterial soap you'll be washing with prior to surgery. Mom went through tons of lotion and cream when she got her pacemaker and knee replacements. You might also look into unscented baby wipes and dry shampoo, for the days right after surgery when you can't shower yet. They can help a lot. Feeling clean and tidy will help keep your spirits up as you heal :)

Gloria said...

Best to you Laura. You seem well prepared in all ways. It is pure genius to have projects that aren't too physical ready to go.

My thoughts are with you.

Sue Bye said...

It sounds like you are well prepared for before, during, and after your surgery. Wishing you the best possible outcome.

Debi said...

You've got this Laura! You will be amazed how quickly you'll feel better. My husband could tell the difference after a day. My 80 year old Aunt had a triple bypass last month, recovery is a little slower at that age. We watched your Efficient Weaver DVD at our study group. I'm going to practice threading heddles like you do! I mentioned to the group about your surgery and we all send our thoughts and prayers to you!

Susan said...

Will be with you in spirit....both you and Doug.
See you on the other side and travel safe.

... from Susan and Bruce, another 'team'

Johnetta and Andrew said...

Both you and Doug are in our prayers. Can't wait to see your lace when you are back home and feeling wonderful again!

Evelyn McQ said...

Thinking of you and Doug today and definitely tomorrow. You have a LOT of people sitting on your shoulder cheering you on-just remember that!!
Will be waiting for good news that it is over and you are on the road to recovery. Blessings from the East Coast!!