
Saturday, January 17, 2015


Once again the colour isn't 'true'.  The weft is actually somewhat deeper, a sort of grey blue with purplish hints.  It looks almost silver here.

Since mobility is going to be a bit compromised for the first while, I figured I'd better get this warp actually weaving with the auto cloth advance set and ready to go.  Starting with the 2/10 Tencel at 28 ppi.  Which is very likely a mistake because when I went through my stash of 2/10 Tencel, I really don't have much left.  This blue, some red, some black and a variety of variegated yarns that are more in the earth tones.  I ought to have begun with the Bambu 12, of which I have a plentiful supply.

However, that said, I started with this one.

I thought I'd made a sleying error.  My math tells me I ought to have had an even number of dents with four per dent and I had one dent on the left with just two ends.  So using a contrasting colour I wove the header, but could not find any dent with only 2 or 2 too many.  What's a girl to do?  Keep calm and carry on!

Now that the AVL is all set up ready to go, I am going to get the shawl warp on the Leclerc.  Today I wound that warp and tomorrow I ought to be able to beam it although I do have some errands to run in the afternoon.  Since the warp is only about 240 ends, though, it should not take too long to thread, sley and tie on.

With both looms dressed waiting for me, I'll have lots of incentive to get back to the looms as soon as I can.  


  1. You are so busy on the loom despite your health issues. It looks beautiful.
    Unfortunately I'm not getting my warp done at the moment, it's mohair which is a little scary, but more importantly it's 30 degrees celcius here and mohair is simply too warm! I need to get it on though, mum gave some more mohair to me and I think it will make a great knee rug for her.

  2. I finished one today; that's three more before you come home. I'm starting think this is doable. But I'm not mentioning my math mistake. :-)

  3. Laura, I imagine you'll be reading even more voraciously than usual during your recovery. Please post the titles you read. Besides learning a lot of weaving tips from your blog, you have turned me on to some wonderful authors. I'll be thinking of you Thursday!
