
Monday, January 5, 2015

Internet Speed

Well it wasn't but a few hours after I published the previous post when I had a phone call from Bruce Bannerman of Purrington Looms

A few emails back and forth and apparently their folding floor looms meet most of my criteria for a small floor loom.  And most of what doesn't, he would be willing to modify.  Not sure if he was only willing to do 'my' modifications upon request or if he is considering making those modifications across the board...a little presumptuous to expect a loom manufacturer to change their design on my say so.  :)

However, I have never woven on a Purrington floor loom, so if anyone has and would be interested in reviewing it, I would be happy to post that review here.  Along with my suggestions for modifications.  Remember, I'm perfectly willing to modify any piece of equipment if it will - in my opinion - improve the performance!


  1. Our guild has an ancient Purrington. It's been refinished a couple of times as it has received some bad care as a rental loom. But all who use it LOVE it. Compact and dependable. I can't think of anything I would change about it. We have a waiting list of guild members who would buy it in a minute if we ever wanted to auction it off. A loom that simply purrs. We thought they had quit making them - glad to hear they are still in business.

  2. Very much in business. :) I did give Bruce a list of things I would want in a small loom. Not sure he entirely agrees! :D And some of them aren't practical in a 'small' loom, anyway. Good to know the guild members love their Purrington.
