
Saturday, January 10, 2015


Back to my quiet studio, getting this red warp ready to weave.

I don't usually go to the drop in Saturday mornings, but I was hoping one of the new wannabe weavers would come in, plus I wanted to spin up the rest of the merino/cashmere rolags Margaret had made for me on her blending board.

It's a good thing I did go up because otherwise Margaret would have been run off her feet!  Not only did the weaver come in, two new people came by, one interested in spinning, one in furthering her knitting skills.  While Margaret concentrated on helping another new spinner with her wheel, I talked with the two brand new people, demo'd how to spin with fingers, then a stick, then showed the knitter how to increase and make a simple cable.  By that time, the wannabe weaver had arrived so between Margaret and me, we got her weaving another sample on the small Norwood loom which was set up with a rosepath variation.

Other guild members came in to use the drum carder, a new-ish weaver to set up a silk scarf warp on one of the guild looms and others to drop in to pick up their orders from Ashford which had arrived yesterday.

I don't think I finished more than 2.5 rolags because otherwise I was jumping from one to the next as they each reached stages where they were ready for the 'next' step.

Getting home at 1 pm I was almost too tired to go to my own loom, but did finally manage to sley, tie up and wind bobbins.  Now the washing machine and dryer are also going as Doug will go pressing tomorrow - after we help another new weaver to set up her loom in the morning.


Just finished reading No Man's Nightingale by Ruth Rendell, about to begin The Private Patient by P. D. James.


  1. Have I said how much I appreciate your "currently reading" mentions? I know both today's authors, but you have introduced me to several new ones. Thanks so much!

  2. Um, aren't you supposed to be taking it a bit easy there? I know. You just can't help yourself, can you? Enablers 'R' Us!

  3. I'm making like the tortoise - slow and steady wins the 'race'. :) Besides, weaving keeps my mind off the fact the phone still hasn't rung...

