
Friday, January 16, 2015

Math Impaired

All set up ready to thread - I sit on a small stool, using the tall weaving stool as a desk for my threading draft and pencil to keep track of where I am in the sequence.

Unfortunately I'm a tad math impaired at the best of times, and right now?  Well, not exactly the best of times.  I've been very distracted and focus has been difficult.  Which is a long way of saying I made an essential math error when calculating this threading.

The good news is that I only have to take out 2 inches and re-thread the last 60 ends that I did just before lunch.  Well, that's what my math tells me right now.  We'll see if I'm any more accurate today than I was yesterday!

However, I can now say that I'm scheduled for surgery next Thursday, Jan. 22.  Travel arrangements have been made, hotel room booked.  I can still be 'bumped' by an emergency, but they will do me as quickly as they can if that happens.

I have been pretty open about my health issues, partly because I consider the wider weaving community to be a part of my 'family'.  When I need encouragement, you give it to me.  When I need comforting, I find it amongst you.  When I need to hear success stories, you provide them.

So I apologize if I share too much at times.  But please know that I value your being there more than I can possibly say.

We leave on Tuesday so my goal from now until then is to finish setting up the AVL with this shawl warp and wind another shawl warp to go onto the small loom.  That way both looms will be dressed for when I feel able to get some weaving done.

Mom made a really excellent recovery after her open heart surgery a couple of years ago so I'm hoping for the same for me.  With two pretty warps on the looms, there will be lots on incentive for me to get back to weaving.  :)


  1. Laura,

    I have never met you or even sent you a personal email but then again, we are both weavers and that is a special connection. I have been thinking about you often as you prepare for your surgery. You are such an inspiration to me as a dedicated weaver, I wish that I were as focused as you are.
    I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
    Bev Sturgis

  2. Great news that you finally have an "almost" definite date. It is difficult waiting when you just want to put it behind you and get on with life. Will be thinking about you next week and praying for great results. It is amazing what our good doctors can do for us these days! Wishing you well...

  3. Oh, thank goodness, you finally heard from them! It was driving me crazy thinking how maddening it must have been for you.

    Now while you're away, I hope to finish the two already-started warps, (a grand total of four pieces,) and perhaps the next warp on the big loom on. Although that may be a little too ambitious for me...

    Thinking of you.

  4. Thank you, Laura, for sharing. The weaving community is your family even those of us whom you have never met. The internet leads to such weirdness....I feel as though we are friends because I know about you but you don't have a clue about me. Seems almost unfair.

    I'm glad you have a date. Seems to me that you are have things lined up at home and I think you are mentally ready for this.

    So scary but you are so strong. I believe that you will get through this easily as your mother did.

    I will keep you in my thoughts.

  5. I'm so glad the date is set! That takes a lot of the uncertainty out of the process. I'll be thinking of you, and sending good thoughts.

  6. Good to finally have a date and time. You will do fine - lots of healing thoughts will be coming your way! And you have lots of good things to look forward to!

    Positive thoughts!

  7. I find 'waiting' to be so difficult. I'm glad you've got a date set and I know you're ready to get this over with and move on with life. I'm continuing to send you prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. There's lots of weaving left in you, Laura!!

  8. I'm so glad to hear the scheduling finally came through. Best wishes for the surgery and starting your healing journey -- you're going to do great.

  9. We, the wider weaving community, are with you all the way. We send our well wishes that you'll be in and out of surgery, get through PT with relative ease, and are back at the loom quickly.

    Do try to keep us posted on your progress as you are able. We love to hear from you!

  10. A date! Excellent! What seems to us as an extremely major surgery is a daily occurrence for these surgeons. They know what they're doing, you're in good hands. And we, your weaving family, will be sending you loads of positive thoughts.

  11. Hallelujah, you have a surgery date! I think that living with ambiguity is much harder than facing something head-on, even something difficult. But you've been preparing, and even with less than a week's notice, you're definitely ready. Wishing you a completely successful surgery, and a full and "uneventful" recovery. Looking forward to hearing about your progress and will be cheering you on from Michigan.

  12. Oh hooray for a definite date! That is good news. I know it doesn't make the procedure itself less stressful, but at least the waiting is now a defined quantity!

  13. continuing to send good thoughts and prayer your way...

  14. So glad you finally have a definite date! Will be so good to be on the road to recovery, rather than waiting. I will continue to keep you and Doug in my thoughts and prayers!

  15. Laura, I only just read your news of having a date for your surgery. Glad the waiting will be over soon and wishing for all to go well and a speedy recovery. Take care.
