
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Next Step

Next step in the process.  (background is a commercially woven throw with spinning motifs woven in double weave)

After the weaving comes the wet finishing.  Doug spent much of Sunday and Monday pressing.  The table toppers are done as are a stack of place mats and table runners.  Still more mats to be run through but Doug has other things he needs to deal with for the next few days.

Unfortunately the dark green and the dark blue just underneath are both very hard to see at night so I struggled a bit with the hemming.  I decided to leave them to daylight but the days are so overcast and dreary right now I don't know that daylight is any improvement!

However, I want to at least finish hemming the table toppers because they are quite wide (41" in the reed) and since range of arm movement is going to be somewhat limited, figured I'd better get them done now.  Once they are hemmed they will get a final pressing and then they will at last be ready.

And yes, I'm still waiting for the phone call firming up the date.  However I'm thinking I should probably drag my suitcase out any time now and start filling it, just in case there isn't much notice between the phone call and when we will need to leave.


  1. I surely do hate to see your schedule drag out like this! When I had my bypass done, the angiogram was on a Monday and the bypass surgery 3 days later, on Thursday. No time to worry or fret! I wish I could kick the system into faster action for you.

  2. Indeed, the waiting is hard. But since I'm stable, I can wait while others who are in much worse shape get treated. And I can still weave while I wait, so there is that distraction. ;)

    Glad to hear you are beginning to feel a bit better.

