
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Room With A View

Checking out tomorrow. Tuesday that is. Hopefully home Wed.


Currently out of hospital, still no flight home.  Hoping Doug can deal with that soon.  He went back to the hospital to return the wheelchair and still hasn't come back!

The good news is that they encouraged me to have a shower.   That felt great! Ah, returning wanderer has returned, now to bring back some lunch.  Other good news is that I do actually have an appetite.  Again.  Feel almost guilt looking forward to food after getting the usual 'watch your weight, watch your diet' lecture but right now I can't actually bring myself to care very much.

The bad news is that weaving is pretty much going to be non existent for about three months.   That may change, but physio said to give myself at least three months for the bone to heal.

Still looking for the number of the truck that hit me....


  1. So happy that you've made your escape! Taking a flight so soon after surgery - wear a mask, I think. It would also help with the plane's low humidity. Safe and swift travels to you!

  2. So glad that the surgery went well! Although you can't weave, remember, whether you're conscious of it or not, it takes a lot of energy - physical and mental - for our bodies to heal. So rest, read, and when you're ready, knit, play solitaire, make lace, and plan projects.

    We'll continue to send positive, healing thoughts.

  3. Bones to heal. Crikey, I didn't think of that before. Mind your minders. That three months may be for your book-stash-busting. And I hope Doug gets some rest, too.

  4. Ah, yes, that first shower is the best feeling in the world! Glad you're out of the hospital, that's the first step on the road home... Sleeping in your own bed will be a blessing, too.

  5. I am so glad you are doing well. Eat what you crave. Your body needs the calories and support. Get out of the hospital! As soon as you can get home, you'll be home!

  6. Glad it went well. Continuing to send good thoughts and prayers for healing your way.

  7. Fortunately it's only an hour and a bit flight. First on, last off. Yes, split sternum. Big lecture about allowing it to heal properly.


  8. How wonderful to hear from you and know you have escaped the hospital confines. That's the first step to full recovery. And isn't a nice hot shower just the BEST thing in the world after a hospital stay? Looking forward to your posts about "whatever", weaving or not. Blessings to you Laura.

  9. Yay!! Glad to know you are on the Road to Recovery!
    Best wishes, you are in my prayers.

  10. SO nice to see you posting here! She's baaaack!

  11. Welcome back! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  12. Yay! The worst is over now and all you have to do is get better. Don't go too squirrelly while you aren't able to weave! Relax, read, do all those nice quiet things and BEHAVE YOURSELF, girl. Take care! I'm sending healing thoughts your way.
