
Tuesday, January 20, 2015


The journey continues...

I met Savannah Grace at Circle Craft craft fair when her first book came out.  In November last year she was back with part two of what looks like might become quite a long series.  I can only say 'yay'!

Part one begins with their family journey around the world starting in Hong Kong.  Part two continues their travels in remote and far flung parts of the world as they continue to take local transportation, explore different cultures and generally learn a lot about human nature as they backpack hither and thither.

I do like a good turn of phrase nd Savannah Grace knows her way around the English language.

Knowing this surgery was coming up, I 'saved' part two for the trip.  Seemed appropriate to read about exotic travel while travelling myself, even if it was a much more mundane trip. 


  1. Thinking of you as you wait for the big day - praying that all goes well and your recovery is swift and uneventful.

  2. The title of your blog post certainly intrigued me, so I had to google it. I love the definition she gave in an interview, "A blessing that initially appears to be a curse." Isn't that often the case in life?!

    Now I have to get that book!

    Sending all my healing thoughts.

  3. Bonne chance Laura! sending all the positive thoughts I can over to you :-)

  4. Hoping you are doing well...that the procedure went perfectly...and you're recovering nicely.
