
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Best Laid Plans

I like to have A Plan.  Makes me feel as though I have some control when I have one, or three. 

In preparation for recovery I prepared.  A lot.  Not just mentally, but did stuff so that I would have lots of stuff to work on to keep myself occupied.  

Unfortunately, much of the handwork I expected to be able to do is not recommended for the first six weeks.  The sternum has to completely heal before any stress is put on it and lots of hand and arm movement might compromise that.  

So my bobbin lace, hand hemming and even the gentle bit of weaving that I thought I could do?   Nope.  

It has been two weeks since surgery and the brain fog is lifting so I have been reading a little.  There is also a stack of jigsaw puzzles for when I feel up to those.  But mostly I sit and veg.  Thankfully the iPad provides distraction.  And some local friends have been coming by.   It's going to be a long six weeks...

Bucket of hemming, patiently waiting...


  1. Wow, even hemming is out? That's tough! Reading/watching movies can get old pretty fast. I hope you're allowed to walk a bit for diversion, although I know the weather isn't allowing you get outside. Sending "patience" vibes across the miles.

  2. May I suggest combining two of your current passions: jigsaw puzzles and the iPad. On the App Store search for 'jigsaw puzzle' [singular]. You should only see one choice, symbol: a green puzzle piece against a brown background. Paying for the Pro app is worth it. Sue in MA

  3. These things will all be there when your body is ready for them. It's just a delay. I think when you get cleared to do light tasks, you'll still be quite happy to have everything ready.

  4. Your body (and your brain) will tell you when you're ready to add some more activities to your daily agenda. Believe me, you'll get there soon enough! Just listen to what they're saying...

  5. Oh My....Do-ers have such a hard time being patient!!! How about journaling to while away the hours as the hemming and lace work waits nearby? Still sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
