
Thursday, February 5, 2015


It was supposed to be 'light' snow today, continuing over the next couple of days.  Instead we have near blizzard conditions.  

It is also very wet snow, not our usual powder, which makes clearing it so much more difficult.  We were lucky because the road crews came by this morning and ploughed the street of the last wet dump.  Unfortunately the pundits are saying 50 cm or about 20 inches.  Not as bad as other places but...


  1. Tell Doug to PLEASE be careful when clearing the snow! I hope you have a heavy-duty snow blower; that stuff at the bottom of the driveway can be nasty! I hope you're able to stay inside and enjoy the beauty of it (with no place to be, and without getting cabin fever).

  2. Hope all is going well with you, Laura. Frustrating for a busy lady like you to be "sidelined" but hang in there. Seems like both sides of Canada are being hit with scads of snow. We have had 4 storms in 10 days-one left us with 67 cm of snow!! But it will melt-hopefully not into our basement-so we just have to be patient. A good book helps a lot! Take care and rest so "them bones" can knit together.

  3. And all we are having is rain! I grew up near Evelyn and miss the snow but I am joining some weavers in Firt St. John and I am so excited
