
Saturday, August 22, 2015

7 1/2 years

Don, in his happy place...The Little Prince

It's been 7 and a half years since my brother died and what a roller coaster it has been.  Little did I know then the ups and downs that would enter my life.

I have learned so many lessons since then.  How to stay in the now.  How to worry about the future less and enjoy the present more.  How resilient the human body is.  To judge others less.  To be more compassionate.  More forgiving.  Less angry.  More peaceful.  To look for the lesson in events.  To fill up the glass when it appears to be half empty.

I'm still working on other things.

To have fewer regrets.  To complain less.  To mine the clouds for those silver linings...because you know they are there...somewhere.

To watch for the rainbows.  Capture the joy, whenever possible.

But oh, how I miss having my brother on the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura, you said so much that spoke to my heart. My sister passed away last year and I miss her so much. I miss who she was in my life. I am working on living in the moment and being authentic and genuine. Fight the good fight and be true to yourself. Thank you for this post.
