
Monday, August 17, 2015


Textiles are ephemeral.  Unlike pottery or glass, they do not age well, rather they return to cosmic dust, leaving very little of their passage through time left behind.  Unless they leave an imprint in clay or some other medium which will record their existence.  In rare instances some traces are left behind - either frozen (literally) as the grave goods from Greenland, or bog finds or in extremely arid climates.

My textiles are meant to be used.  I don't aim to make heirlooms which will stand the test of time because eventually the vast majority of textiles will disintegrate.  My hope is that my textiles will bring joy to the user, whether that be in the home or wardrobe.  I don't spend a lot of time on fancy, intricate finishes.  I try to make sturdy textiles, ones that will serve their purpose, even if that purpose is to wipe dishes.  Sometimes I will make a textile that is a little more 'delicate' but generally I always try to keep the purpose, the job, if you will, the textile is to serve in the forefront on my mind.

Many people will look at my tea towels and exclaim that they are too 'nice' to use.  That sort of comment always makes me a little sad.  Why shouldn't we have beautiful objects around us?  Textiles that enliven our lives through the use of good design and colour?  Who says that our everyday items have to be...not nice?

As I work my way through the red cotton warp making a very traditional looking cloth which I hope will grace people's tables for festive - and every day - occasions, I hope that they will bring enjoyment to the people who use them.  And that they don't get consigned to the closet because they are 'too nice' to use.

Currently reading Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin - more on this when I've read a bit more of it...


  1. Laura,
    I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about taking pleasure in using beautiful things. As "heirlooms" they may or may not be appreciated, anyway.
    To not use them yourself, is, to me, akin to fixing up or updating your house only to be able to SELL it to someone else. Why should you do all that for a stranger, if not for yourself?
    Thanks, I enjoy reading about your weaving and thoughts about weaving and life.
    Teena Tuenge

  2. Like my MIL who never seemed to use anything - when she died the house was filled with all her 'nice' things that she never used. :(


  3. That's why I use the beautiful dinner set we were given for our wedding, it's too beautiful not to use it, and yes, we've lost quite a bit of it to accidents, but it's given us pleasure to use it.
    I also use my first ever placemats that I wove, they have inspired my eldest son to start weaving as well, wouldn't have happened if I'd kept them for "good".
