
Friday, November 18, 2016

Something Different

I have tried on-line sales previously, but haven't been entirely satisfied with the effort it takes and the amount of revenue for the time invested.  However, all that said, sometimes it is the operator at fault, not the actual system.  So, not being one to say 'been there, done that', I am trying once more to offer my textiles on-line, this time via Circle Craft

I spent some time during the show letting the people in my booth know that I was opening a shop on the Circle Craft website, and now I'm letting you, dear readers, know as well.

While I have run sales on my blog previously, it can get a bit overwhelming doing it on a web site that isn't set up to take payment, sort out shipping issues, etc., so I am giving this a go for the coming year.  For those of you who are interested in buying something I have woven, you will now have a year of access to an on-line shop.  Once I get used to the web site things should get a little easier in terms of the administrivia,

Please note all prices are in Canadian dollars and I'm offering free shipping in North America.  I'm not sure how the tax collecting - or not, if you are in the US will work - so if someone from the US purchases, could you let me know if the shopping cart recognizes an out-of-country address and doesn't charge tax?  If it doesn't I will have to make an allowance for any tax billed.  And let Circle Craft know that perhaps their web site could have a 'no tax' option for out-of-country purchases.

Currently reading The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett.  I delayed reading it for the longest time because it is the last Pratchett had published and I think I've read all of the others.  So I was kind of savoring the notion that there *was* one more...


  1. SOunds lovely. I'm still struffling with how to photograph dyed silks to show up well online, and look forward to seeing your work online.
    Shepherd's Crown is quite satisfying, for all that.

  2. I made the decision to join Facebook and reactivate my Etsy shop, dormant for many years, to try to focus on online sales for the year myself. We'll see how it goes.

  3. I haven't finished Raising Steam yet. I think because when I purchased it that it was going to be the last book.

    I have been trying to purchase a kitchen towel through the circle craft marketplace. For some reason I have all the fields filled out but the pay with paypal button is not active. (I am in the US) I did create an account but even after logging in the button isn't active.

  4. I have sent a message to Support asking for assistance. I will try to get this sorted. In the meantime, if you let me know what it is you were interested in, I can process the order outside of the shop...

  5. Good for you! Now that I'm getting away from the craft show circuit, it's time to find another sales method - so I'll be interested to see how your new e-shop works out.

  6. Hi Rachel,

    I have edited my shop and hopefully you can now place an order. If not please email me and support will investigate. laura at laurafry dot com

  7. I've read all the Terry Pratchett books and the way I look at it is I can read them all again (and will). I'm sad he's gone, but he's left behind so much wonderful literature to keep us going and laughing.
