
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Stronger Together

colours are more green in real life

Yesterday the next warp was beamed and the threading started.  The goal today is to finish threading, sley, tie up, and wind bobbins.  Whether or not the weaving will commence is to be determined.  It looks like I might be able to walk today after several days of intermittent rain and more in the forecast for the coming two days.  While I haven't gone walking every day, nor tackled the steep hill, I do feel like my legs are slowly getting stronger, so I'd like to continue to work on improving muscle strength.

The warp is made up of three yarns, blue/green, mid-range values.  From a distance they don't show up as individual colours, but instead lend a subtle richness to the cloth.  The weft is a lighter green and the draft a fancy twill, similar to others I've done previously.

Last night we watched the CBC program Stronger Together.  It was 90 minutes (ad free - thank you!) of mainly Canadians, not all of them celebrities, not all of them singers/musicians, expressing our collective thanks to the essential workers and sending love to Nova Scotia.

It was a reminder that we are all going through this, even if our individual circumstances may differ - we are all being impacted by the pandemic, one way or another.

There were uplifting stories of people helping, songs to lift the spirits, too.  A reminder to be kind during this time and - if at all possible - stay home and out of the way of the virus.

We live in 'interesting' times.  But we also have a level of scientific knowledge and medical treatments that have never been available before.  We understand the biology of viruses like Covid-19 even if we don't yet understand precisely what it does or how to defeat it.  We do know that isolating ourselves from it will help to stall the growth of it.

The pandemic has shown us where we need to do better, be better.  Pointing fingers and blaming the 'other' is not helpful right now.  What is helping is small acts of #covidkindness as Cindy Blackstock has labelled them.  A friendly word.  A heartfelt thank you.  A small service to make things easier for someone.

And when this is over, perhaps systematic change to lift all, not just a few.  As someone said on the internet the other day, we may all be weathering the same storm, but we don't all have the same boat to do it in.  

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