
Monday, April 26, 2021

Back to Regular Programming


The warp in the bin on the top has been woven and tomorrow the bin on the bottom will be put into the loom.

It has been very satisfying to see my yarn stash diminish.  Not so nice to see how much woven stuff I now have, and no shows to do to try and move it into someone else's home.

I had intended to start photographing things and posting them to my ko-fi shop last week, but somehow the week, which had no appointments or commitments turned into this week, no photographs having been taken or posted.

Last week was quite lovely.  Spring seems to have arrived and we had a week of lovely blue skies.  I even managed to walk nearly every day, in spite of the cutting wind.  If you could stay out of the wind it was quite nice, but the wind had teeth so walking wasn't as pleasant as it looked to be, from the comfort of my home.  

And yet, I felt I was making progress, so I mostly continued.  This week isn't supposed to be as nice, but today dawned clear, sort of, so I'm going to try to remember to save spoons for a walk, even if it is just the short loop.  Once you have lost physical fitness, it takes longer to get back, once you are 'old'.  Bodies just don't recover as quickly once you hit that 'certain' age.  

One of the beige towels is a 'second' - there were two dye lots of the beige flake, and in the end not quite enough for a full sized towel.  It isn't very much shorter than my 'standard' length, but with the dye lot difference I will not try to sell that one but gift it to a friend who won't mind either 'flaw'.  

Yesterday I managed to weave one towel with the white flake as weft, which leaves two to weave today.  And then that warp will be done.  

I seem to have adjusted my expectations of what I 'ought' to be doing every day, but my goal of weaving two sessions daily is mostly met, depending on what else is happening.  This week is mostly clear with massage and chiropractor back-to-back on Thursday.  I doubt I'll feel up to weaving after that.  I may make more rolags/worms or not.  I may walk or not.  I try to pay more attention to what my physical body needs now.

When I was a child I didn't know very many 'old' people.  People in their 70s were not all that common and many of my friends no longer had grandparents either.  I had my mother's father, but he wasn't that much of a presence in my life.  Now I have friends my age with great grandchildren and none of us think we are particularly 'old'.  I wonder if my grandfather thought he was still young at 71.

I know that at heart I am still pretty much the same person I was at 41, which was about when I finally started to figure out who I was.  But my body is not.  So I have adjusted my expectations of what I can physically accomplish, while still wanting to do more.  And that's probably the eternal human condition - wanting more, not knowing if we will get it.

Just a bit of Monday Musings...

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