
Monday, April 19, 2021

Monday Morning


I was up absurdly early this morning because the dentist phoned on Friday to say they had had a cancellation and could fit me in at 8:10 am today.  Since that meant getting my disintegrating filling fixed two weeks earlier, I gulped and agreed to take the appointment.

The benefit was waking up to a sunny day and being able to enjoy more of it.

The downside is that my usual level of 'tired' is even greater and after sitting upended for an hour my neck and back are protesting.

Yesterday I didn't walk but I plan to, today.  First I needed my magic bean elixir and now I'm trying to decide what to do 'first'.  Choices, choices, so many choices.

I'm nearly out of the rose cotton flake and one more towel will finish that off.  I've already wound peach bobbins so I'm ready to roll on.

Yesterday I finished off the purple roving and now have two small bins of 'worms'.  However, I'm in blending mode now and have several more empty bins so I'm going to keep making more so that once I set up the Ashford spinner I can just keep spinning a bobbin a night.

The next Power Point is well underway, I just have to decide how far to go with it, or just switch to flashing actual textiles, which might actually be more beneficial than trying to explain things via a Power Point slide show.

My current library book is nearly 700 pages and I'm only at page 100.  And it's due back at the end of this week.  There are two more here at the house and one more waiting to be picked up so I could just sit in the recliner with my feet up and read.

The local stitch n bitch group I belong to seems to be opting for one more Zoom meeting before they try in person, and I arranged an in person, out of doors visit with a friend for early in May, once she's done with school and a few other things.  By then my 'visiting room' (aka carport) should be a nice place to sit.  She hasn't had her vaccine yet but is registered and should be hearing soon.

April will soon turn into May and summer will be here soon.  And we are still dealing with covid and restrictions.  Hopefully by end of summer things will be better.

In the meantime, let's not forget to take our little moments of comfort and joy when they appear on our stair landing, like my fan light rainbows.

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