
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Some Sunday Thoughts


set up for Zoom meetings

Two Zoom meetings this weekend, back-to-back.  They are the same topic, so that helps.  But it means that I won't be weaving this weekend in part because I need to make sure everything is working (sometimes Windows does an update and I have to re-start the laptop, which is slow as molasses in January) or Zoom has a glitch.  So until the meeting actually starts there is a certain level of stress.  

Not that there isn't stress doing this live, just, you know, life is full of things that stress us and doing meetings on line is just a different kind of stress.

I had Doug set the alarm for 8 am, then woke up shortly after 6 in the midst of a 'bad' dream.  I'm no stranger to stress dreams but they seem to have shifted lately, from simply being frustrating (travel plans going awry) to other kinds of things.  I suppose after more than a year of dealing with a pandemic with the threat of actual physical harm, dreaming about physical harm isn't a stretch.

Yes, even though we have had our first vaccine shot, uncertainty reigns and frankly I'm getting very frustrated with people as a group.

There are still individuals who provide joy and inspiration, of course there are.  But the nightly news numbers of cases rise and politicians seem to be constantly doing things that don't help and may actually make things worse.  

Anyway, another Zoom this morning where I get to talk weaving for a couple of hours, so there is that to look forward to.

When I started weaving in my mid-20s I had no idea how much it would engage me, mentally, physically, emotionally.  It turned into my passion, my avocation, not just my profession.  

In yesterday's meeting we talked a bit about how weaving, like many other crafts, is an acquired skill and it takes time to learn how to weave, then how to fine tune one's techniques and processes, how we need to adapt things to best suit our circumstances.  And to not let others dictate what is correct for us.

Since today's topic is the same as yesterdays but with a different group, my job will be to stay on track and say what needs to be said, not assume I've already said it.  The Power Point presentation helps me keep my focus and to stay on track.  The two hours fly by - at least for me - I can't speak for those listening!  And I don't mind repeating things, over and over again because I understand how information must be layered in on top of what a person knows and not everyone knows the same things so the information gets absorbed at different rates, in different people.  

We have had a week of rather nice weather but it seems it might be coming to an end.  I didn't get out for my walk yesterday but I'm going to try to get out today, just in case the weather turns 'bad' again.  And after a certain level of glee because I had no appointments or obligations this coming week, I now have a dental appointment (they had a cancellation and could take me at dawn o'clock Monday), one zoom meeting on Friday and potentially another on Thursday.  

And April is nearly over - it seems to have evaporated very quickly for some reason.  But every week that goes by more people are being vaccinated and hopefully we can slide through the end of the tunnel and begin to do 'normal' stuff again.  I have a feeling 'normal' is going to look a bit different for most of us.  And that's not necessarily a bad thing.  It never hurts to think about 'normal' and what it is we actually want out of life.

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