
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Changing bobbins

This video clip shows how I change a bobbin and start a new thread. It is another clip from CD Weaver. Using the Leclerc shuttle, I flip the empty bobbin up with the index finger of my left hand, slip the full bobbin on, thread it through the hole, snap it into place and continue weaving.


  1. Watching you weave is just mesmerizing. :-)

    When you are starting the new thread it looks like you are putting the end in the same shed as the next pick but obviously that doesn't work. So you hook it around the end threads in some way I'm not detecting?

  2. Hi Sharon,

    When I end a weft thread, I bring it into the next pick and pull the tail out of the shed about 1.5 inches from the selvedge.

    The new weft thread goes into the same shed as the short old weft thread and overlaps it.

    | ______________________ new
    |_______ old

    The long tail is then clipped flush with the cloth.

    (Hope the ASCII art works!)

    I always overlap at the selvedge *unless* the weft thread is textured and the overlap won't be visible.

    If you overlap a smooth thread in the body of the textile, the overlap will appear as a slub which the eye will detect as a flaw (or inconsistency).

    If you can't be perfect, be consistent! :D



  3. Wish I could have slowed down the video to get a closer look..Ginny

  4. Hi Ginny,

    One of the other video clips is slower showing the position of the hands and from a greater distance so you get a better view.

    We tightened up the frame on this one so that people could see the bobbin changing more clearly. :)



  5. Ah Ha! So the new weft thread isn't wrapped around the selvedge, just snuggled up to the old weft thread, which sticks out of the weaving and is trimmed off later?

    I've been wrapping both new and old warp threads around the selvedge and leaving little ends hanging out to be trimmed later (like you did with the old selvedge) but I guess your way would be tidier without quite as big an overlap slub?

  6. Great great weaving rhythm, how I miss that sound! I'm sending this clip to my massage therapist so she can see the repetitive motion that initialed my ailments. I've the same shuttles, and hope to use them again soon. A doup leno scarf in almost on the warping board...

  7. Hi Sharon,

    Yes, I just overlap the old and and new wefts.

    Connie, I couldn't keep weaving without the tender ministrations of my massage therapist. :) Hope you feel better soon.....



  8. Hi Laura,

    Watching the varius videos and reading the associated texts I come away impressed with the right-on, straight forward confidence your presentations radiat.
    The opinions attitude ( opinions- boy- have-i-got-em) with factual support refreshing. I was particularly drawn to the emphasis on keeping an open mind and being receptive to exploring new ideas and methods, then settling on what fits best for your personal needs. Your clip and comments focusing on changing Bobbins was right on. Developing an expertise in your chosen craft, for the lone handweaver that wears all the hats, thats what it is all about.

    Laura is back, stronger than ever, with an attitude, and opinions. And that's a good thing. Reminiscent of an Allen A. Fannin(without the abrasion,G>) All good stuff.

    Tom Beaudet

  9. Gee, Tom, them's big boots! You make me blush!!!


    Glad you are still lurking and helping.


