
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting A Grip on Work

Job List

Weave chenille warps
Wind Bamboo Rain
Wind Silk Boucle
Wind tea towel warp
Review S&W
Review DPW
Weave shawl warps
Hem afghans
Hem tea towels
Wet finish tea towels (one load – 24 towels)
Hem tea towels (as above)
Dye Skeins
Knit sample of Bamboo Rain
Knit Bamboo Rain shawl

I am a big fan of job lists. Lists keep my head screwed on straight and my feet firmly on the straight and narrow headed toward my goals.

The bad news is that my job lists look a lot like the above. The big problem is that several, if not most of the above jobs cannot be completed in a week, never mind a day.

And so I get discouraged and start feeling overwhelmed because I begin to feel as though I'm not accomplishing anything, even when I am.

So I re-thought my approach to job lists this weekend, and I've re-formatted how I make the list up.

Now instead of saying "weave chenille warps" I follow that with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

That's how many warps I want to do before company comes on the 22nd. As I weave each warp, I can cross off the last number so that I can see the count coming down. :)

Since I've been managing one warp a day, I should be able to ace getting those 7 warps woven. After deciding to just do one warp a day to give myself time to get other stuff accomplished, I'm also hoping to cone off the 9 cones of Bamboo Rain in order to get that box up and off of the floor next to the small loom. Where I'll put the skeins until I can dye them I'm not quite sure yet. My storage space is crammed to the rafters already and I need to move all the boxes I've been saving to re-use for shipping somewhere and the storage area seems the most logical place.

But I did ship out two boxes of inventory last week so there are two small shelves empty so perhaps I can get some things onto those small shelves.

I really need to clear out some room - with two of us in the studio, it's going to be cramped quarters unless I deal with the clutter. Long past due, really.


  1. Lists are a great way to get organized. I usually only write on a list what I can accomplish in one or two days ..... then I start a new list. Making space in a full weaving studio is not an easy task - just keep working away at your stash and you will accomplish your task. De-cluttering is not easy - at least I don't think it is. One of these days I am going to work on my upstairs closets!!!! Wish me luck, have tried before without much success.

  2. Karena says that my lack of success in terms of de-cluttering is the universe's way of checking to see how serious I am. :^)



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