
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back "Home"...

Crossed the border this afternoon around 1 pm or so. Will stay with friends for a few days, taking in the Ponderosa guild spin in on Saturday.

The drive yesterday and today was pretty good all in all. I had a bit of rain yesterday until I got through the mountains and came out the other side - the 'dry' side of Washington State.

Today the clouds threatened but apart from a couple of stray spatters, it was dry all the way. And no snow, thankfully. I avoided the roads through the higher elevations, just in case.

Had a short visit with Chris and family at Joybilee Farm, and arrived in Kelowna around dinner time.

Currently reading Sand Sharks by Margaret Maron


  1. love that first day home after a trip.....

  2. Well, I'm not "home" home, just back in Canada. :) I'll stay for the spin in on Saturday and head north on Sunday.

