Monday, September 28, 2009

Next Stage

It took about 5 hours, but all my stuff is tagged and inventoried for the
Seattle Guild sale. :} If I didn't have so much stuff, it wouldn't take so long, but there you have it. :^)

Heading off to the next stop on my extended road trip. I'll stop at Syne Mitchell's for a bit and drop some stuff off, then head for central Washington, then on Wed. head north.

The bad news is that snow is predicted for tomorrow at the higher elevations in southern BC. Hopefully by the time I get there on Wednesday it will have melted. (She says with fingers and toes crossed, making typing a challenge!)

I'm actually going to Kelowna the long way round, partly so that I can stop at Joybilee Farm and visit with Chris, and also to avoid the road construction on the usual route via Osoyoos and Summerland.

Once in Kelowna I will visit with friends for a day or two. Maybe three if the client who just contacted me actually gets in touch and wants a meeting on Friday or Saturday. If I stay until Saturday, I'll join in the Ponderosa Guild's spin in - with a borrowed spinning wheel. Of course I have no spinning fibres with me, so I may have to offer to spin some of Allan or Sheila's fibres. Either that or buy more if there are vendors. :^)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as we continue sweltering around here, I am astounded to hear about the snow!
send us a little?????
Nancy C.