
Monday, March 8, 2010


I'm laying in emergency waiting for them to bring crutches.

I've broken my ankle in not one but two places and will have surgery to fix it tomorrow.

No weaving for me for a while.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network


  1. Yikes! I've done that - no fun! I hope you heal fast and well! (I did!)

  2. Ouch!! I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope it heals up fast!

  3. I thought my daughter had it bad when she fell last week and probably tore her ACL (MRI on Thursday) but my sympathies lie completely with you.
    Hope you heal nicely and quickly! Your blog has inspired us alot as we weave.

  4. I'll be thinking healing thoughts for you!

  5. Yikes!! I broke my toe six weeks ago, and that was enough of a pain in the butt. Think bone mending thoughts.

    The good news is that the enforced rest will provide a physical and mental break. Go with it and use it to your advantage. Easier said than done, I know.

  6. Ouch. I've done that too. Also, broke my wrist when I slipped on a tile floor after spraying WD-40 on a non stainless reed. Never do that over tiles...! Enjoy your forced rest if you can. Heal well and Fast!!! (my wrist and my ankle are perfect now. And, I had a purple cast on my ankle. Very stylish.)

  7. Oh no! I hope the surgery goes well and everything heals up quickly.

  8. So sorry to hear. I hope your recovery is quick and smooth. Take it easy.

  9. Well THAT's a setback! And it sounds like you've been so productive lately too (although maybe you're always that productive...). I hope you get mended up fast!

  10. As you can imagine it was a dumb 'accident' - stumbled and twisted my left foot and down I went. It's broken on both sides, the bone chips displaced. If I didn't get the surgery, there would be reduced mobility so much as I'm not a fan of going under the knife, I *do* need mobility to treadle.

    The good news is that weaving will be 'perfect therapy' according to the surgeon once I'm over the restriction of no weight.

    Silver linings?????

    a not-so-cheery

  11. Oh my. Hope you're soon on the mend. I know it will be hard to not weave for a while but you'll be back at it soon. Take care!

  12. Oh, my! That's dreadful...get well quick!

    (is the universe saying slow down or what??)

    Best wishes, Susan

  13. Wow, that's not good. Wishing you a speedy recovery. What color will your cast be?

  14. Here's to a speed recovery. Do enjoy as much rest as this affords you.

  15. I am so sorry this happened to you. I am going to miss your gorgeous weaving photos. Get better soon!

  16. I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish you all the best for the surgery and a fast recovery

  17. So sorry, Laura! Good luck with your surgery today - hope it goes perfectly and that your recovery is swift and effective.

  18. So sorry to hear about the break. I hope you heal and are back to normal quickly and safely.

  19. oh shi......... I don't know how much consolation it is that it is your left ankle---at least you can drive. If you can, I would advise renting a small wheelchair. It will do much to save your back. At least it certainly saved mine when I was in the same situation. With crutches you may well end up back in physical therapy for back issues, so the less you can use them the better. Also alternating using a walker, awkward as it is, with crutches can help. But, as i said, oh sh..........

  20. Best wishes to you, get well soon!Karin

  21. How awful! I guess the silver lining is that there is surgery that can help...Have you adjusted to the crutches. I've heard that crutches are for young people--like teenagers and younger because there's so much coordination involved. Steps and whatnot. Thinking healing thoughts here.

  22. Laura, So sorry to hear about your mishap! Think positive thoughts - it really helps. Hope you heal well and quickly. Best wishes, Martha

  23. Thanks everyone. Right now I'm just really thankful it was my left ankle, not my right or one of my wrists. :)

    I can, potentially, still weave on the AVL. Just two more inches to thread, then sley. Doug will reassemble the loom and then I can actually weave. I've got air assist on the treadle so don't absolutely need my left foot. :D

    There are 20 yards on the loom so I figure it will take 3-4 days to recover from the surgery, then another day to finish setting up the loom.

    We leave on the 24th for Fibres West, so there are 5 days there with no weaving anyway. :D

    It's not a disaster now that I've calmed down and had time to think about how to make this work. Just going to be awkward. :} And very, very inconvenient.

    But it's only 6 weeks.


  24. Ohhh mannnnn....

    You are in my thoughts and prayers, Laura. I wish I could weave extra to make up for what you will be unable to put out there for awhile!

  25. Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.

  26. Condolences. Take it easy, and get that ankle healed.

  27. Rhonda from BaddeckMarch 9, 2010 at 12:53 PM

    So sorry to hear about your ankle. Weaving DOES sound like the perfect PT. And I'm glad you've figured out a way to keep weaving while you're healing. Hope the time passes quickly, and recovery is "uneventful" (re: ankle). Take it easy with the crutches -- they can cause their own troubles!

  28. Oh! That's not the sort of thing I like to see! I hope that your ankle heals quickly!

  29. I do hope this break heals properly and quickly, best wishes.

  30. Take the time to look at weaving books etc as you recouperate!

  31. Oh dear, get well soon! Do you own a table loom or rigid heddle loom at least?

  32. Wishing you a quick recovery and a bunch of good books to keep you happy while you're laid up.

    Have you ever read Simon R Green's Nightside novels? Since you like Kat Richardson you might like these, too.

  33. Heal Quickly Laura! Big hugs from New Jersey!

  34. Ouch! Sorry to hear about your fall. I've done that. I'm thinking that you'll be looking for a way to prop that foot when you do your one-footed weaving. Hope it heals well and quickly!

  35. Sorry to read about your ankle. Hope it will heal well. Wishing you a speedy recovery and that you will be able to weave again soon.

  36. So sorry to read this! Hope it won't be too painful and heals soon.
    On the positive side: you can always make more lace?! Only need hands for that.
