
Friday, March 5, 2010

Scary Warps on my Website

This cock-eyed photo is the last in the series I did in the photo essay on beaming a painted warp.

Go to my website
Click on Education (it's currently yellow, will turn red in a couple of days, then black)
Click on Articles (currently yellow as well)

I hope to start weaving on this warp tonight, once preparations for the beginning workshop are done in time for class tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. We live and learn. And it is very generous of you, to offer all this information. How much I would love to take a class with you.
    A warping valet actually is something, I could use for the longer warps on my 30" Kircher RH. Theoretically, it can take up to 9 m warp (with an additional beam).

    I am very much a beginner even with the RH and there is still so much to learn and I haven't even explored a fraction of the RH loom's possibilities. And I'm far from moving to a multi-harness loom.

    thanks again for the wonderful tutorial.
