
Monday, April 19, 2010

Progress - of a sort....

Well the good news is that I was able to weave two placemats on the Fanny loom. The weft is a bundle of 2/8 cotton, cotton slub and a fairly fine cotton boucle' woven in broken twill.

The bad news is that I'm not nearly as mobile as I was expecting to be. :(

Saw the surgeon at 8 am this morning. He, at least, was pleased with my progress! So pleased that he wasn't even going to write me a referral for physiotherapy but I asked him if I could have one and then decide if I was managing well enough on my own or needed some help. He was kind enough to let me use my discretion and wrote the referral to a clinic of my choice. I'm to wear the moonboot to walk for the next two weeks, gradually weaning myself off of it. (Freudian slip - I originally wrote "weaving myself off of it"!)

I, on the other hand, expected that I would at least be able to stand on my own without the moon boot, but that is only just barely possible. Forget being able to walk or go up and down stairs without it so I'm still bum-de-bumping up and down. I have no idea if I can even make it out of the house on my own yet - boot or no - so Doug will be called in to help me run some errands on his days off this week.

Doug reminded me that he was 3 months recovering from his broken ankle - and he didn't have surgery - so he said that I'm doing as well as he expected even though I'm not living up to my hopes. :}

Mizz B came today and cut and serged the tea towels while I wove. Then she serged the washcloths that she had woven after which I showed her how to beam sectionally and she got a 10 yard tea towel warp onto the AVL. I used the yarn from the pastel colour gamp kit in a random sequence and which I'll thread randomly in a fairly simple twill progression - probably. If I use the linen/rayon boucle for weft the weave structure will be plain weave. If I use the cotton slub it will be twill.

My self-directed physiotherapy will be to weave on the Fanny for a while (without moonboot, working on increasing flexibility and weight bearing) and then work on the AVL. The AVL is ready to thread and I can do that on my own.

But after putting my life on hold for 6 weeks, I am having problems surrendering to the inevitable and facing up to the fact that it's going to be another 6 weeks (according to the surgeon) before I even begin approaching some semblence of 'normal'. And a full year before I can consider myself as good as I'm going to get.

Just in time for my next surgery. :} Gotta admire the timing of all of these things!

Currently reading Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    You are making progress; just not as fast as you would have hoped. Our bodies do take time to heal, when parts of them get broken; and no matter what, you just can't rush the process. Then to be facing surgery again, and another period of recuperation would not be easy for you. Hang in there, you folks will make out just fine - hopefully, by this time next year it will all be behind you. I wish I was closer and could help out. Keep your mind positive and it will be fine. Nice that you can work on a floor loom, as well as the AVL. Weaverly yours .... Barbara
