
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Heading North

I meant to take a photo of my area set up, but since Teresa and I are sharing the space it looked kind of - well - empty. :} Perhaps I'll remember to take a pic when Doug and I come back at the end.

The rain cleared off yesterday so we moved in with dry weather, but last night the sky broke and rain pelted down. This morning it's a steady drizzle. I am not looking forward to driving in it but at least a drizzle is better than a downpour. So I'll try not to whinge too much.

Tonight I'll be at the Whatcom Weaver's Guild meeting (Bellingham, WA) and then tomorrow will head for the border and home. And hope the fine bamboo has arrived so I can start beaming the next DPW warp. If not, there is a painted warp waiting for me, too.

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