
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day The End

The Seattle Weavers' Guild sale is history for another year. I have no idea where my sales are except that I did a little better than I expected but not, perhaps, as well as I hoped. I'll find out when I get my cheque.

Doug had a reasonable first day at Artisans of the North. I think we're both a little stressed and not a little tired and I'm looking forward to my own bed tomorrow night and a day or two of down time before we gear up for Studio Fair set up on Thursday. After that will be about 5 weeks before One Of A Kind Vancouver.

It was great to visit with friends I've made here in Seattle area and to see their work in person instead of just hearing about it or seeing photos. Textiles truly need to be seen in person.

The alarm will go off at 5:30 am and I hope to be crossing the border shortly after 8. It started raining just as we got back to Betty's tonight - I'm really crossing fingers that the 'scattered showers' predicted will actually be scattered. For now it's good night!

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