
Sunday, January 30, 2011

The End

of my trip to the south is nigh. The workshop is over, looms all put away, room cleaned up, weary weavers returned home.

It's been a great trip. I've met some wonderful people, and managed to see a few sights which I don't usually have the time to do. But all things must come to an end, and tomorrow I leave.

In order to get home in one day I must catch a 7 am flight which means getting up at 4 am. The up side is that I should get home by 6 pm (Pacific time, 9 pm Florida time) if there are no delays. So far the weather looks great all the way so barring equipment issues, it should be a nice, boring flight. Next post will be from home. :)

I'm well prepared with 3 books which should make the trip go quickly.

Currently reading Knit Two by Kate Jacobs (? - the book is in the other room)

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