
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Spent the morning and part of the afternoon today doing some more shopping. :)

We went to Joann's where I found some baby quilt top panels for my mom. Then we went to Barnes and Noble where I was seduced into buying not one, not two, but three books. What can I say? The remainder table had a couple of authors I enjoy on them and the hard backs were cheaper than paperbacks.

Then after lunch we went to a quilting shop where I found another baby quilt top. Came back to a message from Doug that my VISA card provider had phoned. They were just checking to make sure I really was in Florida using my own card. I have to say I'm surprised they didn't notice the bill for the flight I charged in December, but still - really glad they checked before they pulled the plug on my card. :}

Also really glad they are monitoring and taking the time to question 'odd' purchases.


  1. Last summer they cancelled my card after I was in Moose Jaw for 3 weeks! In calling the credit card co they said they are now canceling all cards used "overseas" unless called about it beforehand. How Canada is overseas from the US is beyond me!! I now have to remember every time before I head north to call them. You might have to add that to you list of things to do as well. I asked about just having them write on my file that I go up each year. Nope, they delete everything every 3 months.

  2. I usually use my card in the Vancouver airport to give them a head's up I'm travelling but neglected to do that this time. I did tell them I'm heading back down in Feb. But you're right - another task to add to my list of things to do before I leave. :}

  3. I'm glad they called instead of just shutting down your card! It's good that they're watching, although it's never a convenient time.

    I'm getting ready to order my "Texsolv changeover" materials - Joanne Hall has been very helpful, and Madelyn van der Hoogt's article from Weavers #26 will be my guide. Thanks for showing me what is possible!
