
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CD Weaver

In spite of continuing jet lag issues - which should, hopefully, be over tomorrow or the next day, not to mention more appointments and Blackberry issues, now fixed, thankfully - I did finally manage to get some work done today.

One of the things that has been preying on my mind is whether or not to continue to produce CD Weaver. Bear in mind the year these were developed - 2004. Since then computers have changed vastly - Vista, and Windows 7, not to mention the Mac changes. It's been a scramble to stay on top of the changes.

I only have four CD Weavers left so today I decided that I would not continue to produce them and removed them from my Art Fire store and had my web master remove the page from my website. But I'm left with four CD Weavers. What to do with them?

The answer - give them away.

So, the next four orders of Magic in the Water will come with a complementary CD Weaver as a bonus gift.

This afternoon I got back to the skein winding and after dinner threaded the small loom as well. I can start weaving tomorrow. I'll likely do a batch of wet finishing over the weekend, and dye on Monday.

The good news is that both the small loom and one of the spinning wheels are sold and will be delivered on my trip south in two weeks, plus another person is interested in the other upright wheel. I'll keep that until after the Jacey Boggs workshop and then sell it if the person decides to take it.

Most of my spinning lately has been done on the turkish drop spindle, and Doug says he'll fix the more traditional wheel that isn't working due to a wonky tensioning system so I won't be entirely wheel-less.