
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Full Circle

Life seems to run in a series of spirals. I got into weaving because I was taking a spinning class at the local college. I learned how to spin - not well, but with enthusiasm - and sold my yarns for a time. I also used them for knitting and weaving. One of the first things I made in my weaving class was a wool jacket woven from my singles handspun.

When I started weaving I left spinning behind. Oh, I kept a wheel which I dragged out for demo's from time to time and then reluctantly sold it because it was such a lovely wheel it deserved to be used. But I did keep a drop spindle and for many years that was the tool of choice for demo's. So much easier to drag out than a larger wheel or loom!

In the last few years spinning wheels came into my life once again and with all the health issues I've had I have found myself spinning more often. I now have a box of handspun singles yarn I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with - but the loan of a rigid heddle loom means I may toss a few scarf warps on that.

Since I've been selling yarns for weaving for the last 10 years or so, I've added spinning fibres to my inventory. The latest are the fibres from River's Edge.

Carol has a nice line of merino/silk plus a 100% Polworth hand dyed top. I've not spun with Polworth before so that will be a new experience for me. I did spin up some of the RE merino/silk during the class last week.

Now I'm home with a fill-in order from Ashland Bay, and a suitcase full of spinning fibres from River's Edge. Both have to be made ready for the vendor hall at Fibres West next month in Abbottsford. Should there be any left I'll post to my website. Unless I decide to keep them for myself!

And I'm about to order a Joy spinning wheel. Round and round we go...........


  1. Polwarth is really nice to spin. Soft like merino, but with a longer staple, so it's easier to draft. It POOFS in the wet-finishing.

  2. That's good to know. I ordered a Joy spinning wheel yesterday, but not sure when it will arrive so I can do some samples for Fibres West mid-March. :)

