
Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Chemo Sucks"...

according to the er doctor around 4 am this morning. 

All I can say is that it not only sucks, it sucks big time...........



  1. I'm so sorry.

    Hope there's comfort in knowing your online fans are here to support you.

  2. the really difficult thing is that I have to go back this morning and do part II - hoping they can tweak the meds so it doesn't feel so awful.... :(

  3. oh my - 4am - sounds really bad. thinking of you today.

  4. Hang in there, Laura. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. So sorry to hear that Laura; a trip to ER in the wee hours of the morning is not good. Hang in there, let's hope the chemo "sucks up the cancer cells"; and that you feel better with the next round of treatment. You have a whole community throughout the universe on you side with positive prayers and thoughts!!! You go girl!
    Weaverly yours ..... Barbara

  6. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

  7. So Sorry that it is having such awful effect on you. As Barbara said "Let's hope the chemo "sucks up the cancer cells"
    Hopefully, next round is better.

  8. You poor thing - I wish there was more we could do to help. I'm sending some positive energy your way post-haste. (That's even faster than overnight delivery.)

  9. I'm sending good thoughts your way. Sorry it sucks to be you right now. Wish I could come be your weaving brownie!!

  10. I´m so very sorry, honey. I know how bad it can be; I´ve watched to it twice. But I also know it gets better, so be just a little pacient, ok? I know it´s hard to hear ou read this, but believe me, it will be better next time.

    Many, many kisses

    Claudia Rizzi

  11. OY. I hope they got it under control for you this morning. Cancer sucks, it really does. Is it nausea? Zofran seems to be the anti-nausea med of choice these days. And I swear by Sea-bands. They're made for motion sickness, and help with nausea-- they're little elastic things with a bead that sits on the right acupressure point. Amazing things.
    Hang in there and thanks for keeping us in the loop!

  12. sorry to hear you had such a bad reaction. sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

  13. So sorry. Chemo does suck but it also saves lives. Hang in there!

  14. It was sobering to go into the clinic this morning as see others struggling much harder than I was. I got more info on which meds I can take to help with the nausea and hopefully the rest of the cycles will be less difficult.

    Thanks so much for the support - it really helps to have such a great team on my side. :)

  15. I went through chemo last year for breast cancer and ended up in the ER once. I agree - chemo sucks - but you will make your way through it one day at a time.

    A year ago, I was flattened with nausea and fatigue but today I feel like I'm back to my old self. I hope everything goes well for you as you fight this battle - it's worth it.

  16. Crapdoodle. I'm so sorry to hear that. I second Barbara's hope that the cancer cells are getting sucked up by all the suckitude.

  17. What the others said... I'd take a turn tossing the cookies for you if I could.

  18. ask for aloxi and emend. sending prayers for you.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. As an eight year survivor, I want to offer you hope.
    Chemo was hard but it gave me my life back.
    A life where I discovered weaving, met my first grand child and realized my dream of publishing a children's book.

    You're going to meet some amazing nurses and doctors who will share their compassion, service and kindness. You'll experience the love and goodness of your friends and family as they lift you up.

    I'd never trade my cancer journey, as it showed me the deeper meaning of why we're here.
    We're here to help each other.
    Stay strong.

  21. Thanks for sharing - I've already met an amazing number of people. I think those who work at cancer clinics have to be some of the most compassionate and caring people around. :)

